After seeing my last donation of a bendy laburnum stave to my friend Leon Loef turning out so nice, i set my mind on making a laburnum bow myself and searched for a fitting (less challenging

) piece of would that would accomodate my attempt. In March i was so lucky, and found a very nice tree.
Really love working with this stuff, although highly poisenous (take care of good mask!)
It bends relatively easy under heat and is a lively, springy material.
Most of all, the colors are so cool & impressive, i now understand why in older days these bows were usually gift bows for special occasions.
Anyway i think this experiment worked out fine, and I am looking foreward to my next build.
This one is 62" and draws 45lbs @28, hardwood arrow pass in the riser.
My next will be heavier, and hopefully my new daily shooter