So how do you decide the problem knapping is the stone and not you? Or your bopper is subpar? And when is it just you ;-) ? Tried last night to take another crack at doing stone and moose billet on a fresh piece of keokuk. After 30 min of banging away I had made my salad plate piece of stone the size of maybe a baseball and it wan't meaningfully thinner than when i frustrating. Step fractures and crumbled edges everywhere...
I guess I know that the antler billets wear out but really don't know what that actually means/looks like. Stone hammers don't wear out I guess but certainly some stones are better than others..? And I guess the stone hammer hardness might depend on which stone you are banging on?
Last night my edges either didn't break at all or they simply crumbled... And I broke my "almost preform"....