Eric, I remember that test! At least the peg and the hole in the washers were both round - luckily, I got a left handed set!

. Did pretty well on it, but wound up in the "people" business as a veteran's employment rep and training program rep. More fun and they paid me to listen and talk! Trying to make a deaf guy into a telephone customer service rep was putting a square peg into a round hole! By all means, post the "fix along", we can all learn from your expertise.
DC, practice makes perfect, only if it the right practice! At least, you got to run the shovel!, had a guy once we wouldn't even let near a shovel, and he was a veteran! Had some success stories, too!
I managed to hit my 3D turkey 5 out of 6 arrows, 2 times out of 6 sets - pulled the last shot both times (10 yards)

! Back to the range! Here, Turkey, here, Turkey!