Author Topic: L.S. Cressman OPB story!!  (Read 10101 times)

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Offline ResslerKeen

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L.S. Cressman OPB story!!
« on: October 30, 2019, 09:24:16 am »
Watched most of a special on OPB last night of Luther Cressman's excavation of caves in the southern Oregon northern great basin.  It was a great story.  I found a link to his published study of his excavation of roaring springs, paisley and fort rock caves including PICTURES of ATLATL fragments and points.  Thought it might be interesting to someone working on traditional atlatl or really anyone interested in anthropology.

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There have been a number of studies since Cressman on the subject.  Another good book on the subject is Emory Strong's "Stone Age in the Great Basin."  It was a wonderful read.  Sorry if a repost on the subject.  Im sure there are a couple of you that are very familiar with Cressman.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2019, 10:24:13 pm by ResslerKeen »