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Aerodynamic penetration

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penetration is how far or how much force is put on an arrow. I think about it like if I were to be able to put a arrow perfectly vertical without it going in on a target or something and then dropped a 50 pound weight (50 pound draw) penetration would be how far or deep it goes in.

No, this is a different use of the word. That's why the title says "Aerodynamic" penetration.

A glider wing doesn't spin like an arrow, so the shape can be manipulated to control the amount of air going over the top of the wing verses the bottom, and the distance the air travels across the top and bottom to create lift from forward movement.

Oh. sorry! wrong stuff! gotta pay more attention!  ::)

Little while back (actually 12 years ago) I raced GP motorcycles and the term "penetration" was used often when speaking aerodynamics. A race bike had been built that was supposed to be revolutionary aerodynamically, but it really didn't go faster. Some experimenting and they realized it was the size. Two bikes, the same weight, one more aerodynamically efficient...and it was slower...because it was big. Two objects the same weight, driven by the same power, the one with a smaller frontal cross-section will go faster. Long story short, it punches a smaller hole in the air.

Theoretically (emphasized!), in archery, two arrows weighing the same but one longer and thinner with shorter fletching should go further than a shorter fatter shaft with taller fletching if both loosed from the same bow at the same draw length.



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