During Thanksgiving, a neighbor gave me 7 garbage bags full of deer legs. I skinned and stripped as many of them as I could in the time I had, and then dried the sinew. I have been spending evenings since pounding, then stripping the sinew and sorting it into bundles. The resulting 6 ounces doesn't look like much, except each of the 50 bundles took a good hour just to strip. All told, I bet I have over 70 hours in this stuff. I have used some as well to back a bow, and of course it is also ready to twist into cordage or bow strings. It is good for wrapping arrow heads or nocks and fletches
What I am trying to say is that there is a remarkable amount of work that went into processing this sinew, so I am having difficulty determining its worth. I have divided the bundles into 6 one ounce groups. I am happy to entertain any offers depending on how much you may want. Each group has a variety of lengths between 13" and 5" -- Most of the bundles are about 10"
Here are the things I could use:
-a yew stave (a guy can dream, right?

-an osage stave (little bit smaller dream)
-a hickory stave (maybe actually realistic)
-wild turkey feathers, primary and/or secondary
-cooked spalls for knapping, or some other interesting and reasonably knappable stone
-any other offers that you may think worth some or all of the sinew.