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Flight forums

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Uhhg... facebook...

I'm sorry about that avcase! I feel like we are too critical here about synthetic bows but this is a primitive form. i know tapatalk has a synthetic material bow place on their forum!


--- Quote from: avcase on April 10, 2019, 04:13:49 pm ---I agree about the disadvantages of Facebook. A previous version of this forum used to be open to all types of modern and primitive flight equipment.  I really enjoyed that because there was a lot of common ground. I’d post a lot more bows and arrows here except that I have been building a lot of bows lately that use synthetic materials.


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many forums seem to be going the way of the dinosaur, (present company excepted of course) Perhaps the rules for the flight subforum could be relaxed? sort of a tribute to the times, and an appreciation for the excellent and varied communinity that has found a home here at PA?


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