A friend came over, looked at my bow and said he had one just like it and that it was a Jimmy Taylor bow. Jimmy had made over 10K bows and knew how to make a good bow but was a shady character when it came to his business practices.
In Jimmy you couldn't find a more generous man or a bigger liar, he was a bit of a conundrum. He bilked a lot of people out of money before he died. Had he been honest and dedicated to his customers he would have probably been rich from his bow making endeavors, he could really crank them out. It took him 15 minutes to make a wood bow, a day or so to make a fiberglass lam bow. He would ship 100 bows at a time to Europe, supply most of the catalog retail sales and took over production for Dan Quillian's Archery Traditions bows toward the end before Dan shut him down for his shady dealing.
Jimmy, one of a kind;