Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows


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Boy, this goes back and forth ;D ;D That keeps it interesting. I like that,"there is not much point in shooting an arrow much faster than its terminal speed when falling." That kind of rings true to me. It'll give me something to ponder

If you can make it slipperier it will fall faster. :)

i like arrows tuned to the bow and not worry about weight so much. Narrow is good. Slick is good . As small a fletch as you can get by with and have good flight. I'll continue to read and learn though.

  Arvin, my best arrows have always been the densest heaviest wood I can find with the smallest diameter and smallest fletches of course.


--- Quote ---,"there is not much point in shooting an arrow much faster than its terminal speed when falling." That kind of rings true to me.
--- End quote ---

Steve,, was there a reason offered alongside that opinion?


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