Author Topic: Hazel selfbow: layout questions from a n00b.  (Read 3295 times)

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Offline Ulty

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Hazel selfbow: layout questions from a n00b.
« on: April 02, 2019, 05:11:23 am »
Hi folks.

First post, and apologize in advance if there are obvious answers to my questions - been reading a lot, and finding a treasure throve of good information, but nothing that quite fits my stave's issues :D Also from Norway, so please pardon any messups with the inches. And thank you to all those knowledgeable people that contribute on this site - it is like heaven to someone new to this.

I have a hazel stave of approx 70" (which I might end up reducing 2-3" to avoid a knot near one end). The stave was roughed out while green, but I kept pretty much full width throughout the full length, and left a long handle area untouched so I'd have some room for adjustments. I also left the bark on the back.
The stave is roughly 2 1/2" wide, and 1" to 1 1/5" thick (thickest near the full handle area in center). Handle area is approx 3"x3" and currently 8-9" long, so I have room to play with.
Grain seems relatively straight throughout both limbs, but one limb has a slight sideways bend roughly at the handle area. The bend is roughly 3/4" from tip to mid stave. Some smaller knots, but no major ones, and I think I will be able to avoid having them near the edges of the limbs. No significant reflex or deflex in the limbs.

I'm thinking to go for a simple flatbow, with even width to mid-limb, and then even taper to the tips, and stiff handle. Length approx 66-67" NTN, and 35-40# at 28".
Been thinking to keep limbs approx 1 3/4" wide from fade to mid limb - obviously might have to adjust that to reach my desired draw weight. My first bow, so I don't want it to heavy (for learning to shoot it without picking up bad habits. For my strength I could go heavier if I wanted to, but rather not for this one).

The crown on one limb is gradually slanting to one side, starting roughly at mid limb, and increasing somewhat towards the tip. Still, it doesn't appear to have any noticeable propellar twist. The crown on the other limb flattens towards the tip, but is relatively even and centered.

Question 1:
Should I go for a layout that precisely follows the center/pith, and steam/heat out the bend. Or is the bend small enough that I can just adjust the layout for that limb to counter the sideways bend? (and accept the marginal grain runout)

Question 2:
Considering the slanting crown on one limb, should I keep it crowned and adjust the belly on same side to ensure even limb thickness in that area (would leave the limb seemingly a little "twisted" in that area then)? Or, should I decrown it with a drawknife, so that I can get even thickness and level limbs? (I have enough stave thickness to play with)

Question 3:
Am I way off on my width (1 3/4") considering I'm aiming for 35-40# @28" and 66-67" NTN ?
Anyone able to provide some rough estimates for dimensions I should go for? (length, limb thickness and limb width) Is there a simple calculator for this somewhere?
I was thinking I'd be approx 5/8" or a little over at the end of the fades then, and 1/2x1/2" or so at the tips.

Am off travelling with work atm, so sadly can't provide pictures now - but losing sleep over the layout/decrowning issue, so trying to settle it before I go insane, hehe :D


Offline Del the cat

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Re: Hazel selfbow: layout questions from a n00b.
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2019, 05:23:01 am »
1. Minor run out is fine. If you choose to follow the grain, you'll have to make any sideways correction at the narrow grip section.
2. Keep it crowned and adjust the belly, however, at the low draw weight you are after you may find that as you remove wood from the belly you are loosing too much width and you may have to de-crown it. If you do this with smooth strokes of a spoke shave it shouldn't cause a problem.
3. Your dimensions seem about right to me.

There are a few Hazel build alongs on my blog.... one of them starts here, it includes some heat bending at the grip:-
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Offline Ulty

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Re: Hazel selfbow: layout questions from a n00b.
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2019, 05:38:34 am »
Cheers muchly, Del!
I have read most of your blog, and your hazel build especially close. Great work - I'm a fan :)
That was where I picked up the idea that decrowning might be an option for this one. Untill then, all I had read seemed to say to keep the back crowned.

I'll get a nice even surface on the belly then, to see the grain well, and then try to find a layout to counter the bend.
Gonna leave the thickness as it is for now, and then assess if I might have to decrown before I do too much more. Decrowning scares me less than a complicated tillering process with a slightly twisted limb, so I might go there and hope for the best. But, if I'm lucky, most of the slanting part might disappear when I taper toward the tips - from the top of my head, I can't remember if its on the "right" side of the bend.


Offline Del the cat

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    • Derek Hutchison Native Wood Self Bows
Re: Hazel selfbow: layout questions from a n00b.
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2019, 05:47:21 am »
This post explains how decrowning maintains maximum width.
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Offline Ulty

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Re: Hazel selfbow: layout questions from a n00b.
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2019, 05:52:55 am »
This post explains how decrowning maintains maximum width.

Aye, great post. I have it bookmarked ;)

Just have to survive the wait till I get home now.


Offline Russ

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Re: Hazel selfbow: layout questions from a n00b.
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2019, 06:28:35 am »
Welcome to PA Ulty! listen to Del, lots of experience. (but I think you already knew that!)  ;)

Offline Ulty

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Re: Hazel selfbow: layout questions from a n00b.
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2019, 06:47:03 am »
Welcome to PA Ulty! listen to Del, lots of experience. (but I think you already knew that!)  ;)

Thank you, Deerhunter21! :)
Indeed, and I most definitely will. I'd have to be downright silly not to listen when great advice like Del's are offered.

Offline DC

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Re: Hazel selfbow: layout questions from a n00b.
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2019, 08:29:18 am »
I don't know if this is your first bow so apply accordingly. I've only made a couple of hazel bows. I found the wood works very fast(soft) compared to other woods so proceed slowly. Also the end result is quite a bit thicker so again, proceed slowly

Offline Ulty

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Re: Hazel selfbow: layout questions from a n00b.
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2019, 09:20:54 am »
Thanks for the heads up, DC!

It is indeed my first one, so I'll make sure to err on the side of caution.


Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: Hazel selfbow: layout questions from a n00b.
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2019, 11:34:37 am »
Welcome aboard, Ulty!  Take lots of pictures, take your time(Patience, Grasshopper), and ask any question that comes to mind, even if you think it is a bit silly, or "dumb".  The only dumb question is the one you don't ask!  These folks have a wealth of knowledge and experience, and share it willingly.  You can also get free humor!
Life is far too serious to be taken that way!