Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

High gear/low gear

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Nope, if it is too light the drag will overpower it's momentum/kinetic energy.
I't the old ping pong ball vs golf ball thing.
Fastest tabletennis ball smash is about 70 mph, but it wouldn't go as far as a golf ball travelling at 70 mph.

50 ft-lb kinetic energy to a golf ball will send i the down range at 121.7 mph.
50 ft-lb kinetic energy in a ping pong ball is 502.3 mph. That will still hurt!

Now make the ping pong ball smaller in diameter so it has the same density as the golf ball, then the diameter of the 41.6 grain projectile is now just a bit over 5/16”, and that is going to punch a pretty nasty hole into just about anything it hits.  ;)



--- Quote from: sleek on April 11, 2019, 02:02:23 pm ---Last mojam i upped my arrow weight and was shootung further with 13 grain vs 10gpp. It may have been the arrow, idk, but anobody else notice arrows gping further with heavier weight?

--- End quote ---

It really depends on the bow, arrow, and release method.  When I last went to the desert to flight test my foot bow, the lighter and faster 115-125 grain arrows always out-distanced the heavier 145-165 grain arrows.

Over the last couple of years at the Bonneville Broadhead flight tournament, Jim Martin got much better distances shooting 650+ grain arrows than he did with the minimum 450 grain arrows.


Del the cat:
The graph on my post is just raw experimental data, no extrapolation, no fudge, no sprinkles  ;D
I made the lightest projectile I could.
I s'pose could have tried a dry fire, but the non existent projectile wouldn't register through the chrono'  ;)

Either that or it would be going infinitely fast ::)

Alan, with all your shooting and testing do you ever think that you're getting a handle on this stuff or is the carrot still out of reach?


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