Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

High gear/low gear

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A Sinew-wood-Horn composite should be capable of handling the high bending strains of your design. If you recreated your bow and really thinned down the area of hinge-like bending, then used that as the core. The horn and Sinew would not have to extend all the way to the tips.

A Drake flight bow might be most similar to your design. The latest Border “Hex 8 super recurve” designs are a full working Recurve. A 35# bow stores almost as much energy as a 50# bow with a more conventional design. There is one major drawback as far a small flight shooting is concerned, the efficiency is relatively low and it starts to run into a wall below 8-9ggp. This is one design where the faster bow with heavy arrows is not the fastest with lighter arrows.


  I don't like the full working recurves especially with light arrows.


--- Quote from: avcase on April 10, 2019, 04:07:05 pm ---There is one major drawback as far a small flight shooting is concerned, the efficiency is relatively low and it starts to run into a wall below 8-9ggp. This is one design where the faster bow with heavy arrows is not the fastest with lighter arrows. Alan

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Why? What are the physical reasons of that?

I'm trying to wrap my head around that too. This bow will still shoot a lighter arrow faster than it will shoot a heavier arrow, right? But compared with other bows, not so good? Hard to get a piece of yew to bend like that though ;D ;D


--- Quote from: DC on April 11, 2019, 08:18:13 am ---I'm trying to wrap my head around that too. This bow will still shoot a lighter arrow faster than it will shoot a heavier arrow, right? But compared with other bows, not so good? Hard to get a piece of yew to bend like that though ;D ;D

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The efficiency can drop while arrow speed increases. They are not the same. Just as an example:
A 10 gpp fires at 180 fps
9 gpp hits 190
8 gpp hits 195
7 gpp hits 199
6 gpp is 203

These are not real numbers but its showing how the energy ( velocity x mass )  of the arrow is decreasing as the arrow weight drops, making the bow less effecient in putting its energy into an arrow.

You can see that the lower weight arrow, though it is faster, its actually storing less energy because of its decrease in weight.  An arrow at 10gpp may have X number of jules in kenetic energy,  an arrow at 5 gpp would still have X Jules if the bow were 100 % effecient, but that would require the speed of the arrow to be MUCH higher for its weight,  and the bow simply doesnt get more effecient as arrow weight drops, rather, less so. The difference in speed between arrows may be only 1 fps, if any difference, even if the 2nd arrow were only half the weight of the first, when the first weighs 2 grains, and the second weighs 1 grain.


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