Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

High gear/low gear

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Dan Perry is adamant that it does.  Tim Baker  does not believe it does.    Dan has or had all the records though.

high gear bow bends more near the handle and less at the tips. Low gear is more "whip ended". Think about leverage. Tip bending is not maximising the length of a bow unless it's really short. More bending near the handle and less in the tips= more leverage and power delivered to the arrow.

Thanks Chuck, I've had a few thoughts about what might change the gearing but that wasn't one of them. It is now :D

And who used the analogy of high low gear.  Kind of silly I think..  (lol)

Dc, gearing is why i was saying you want the fades to bend only in the last 3 inches of draw on your bow you just made. Last to bend is first to straighten on release. The inner part of the bow is all torque, and the outter limbs is all horsepower. It takes torque to get a car off the line, it takes HP to get it there quick. So ideally,  on release, you want the limbs to lool like they are doing the wave, starting at the fades and moving toward the tips.  The inner third gets the arrow moving, mid limb is mid range, and outter is top end red line.


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