There are two main species of blueberries for home use; highbush for the north and rabbit eye for the south. The highbush is very prolific and great tasting but doesn't do well in summers where the temp may hit 100 degrees or stay hot for months. The rabbiteye varieties have a waxy leaf covering that prevents the hot weather from sucking the life out of the plant.
You need two different varieties for pollination, I have 3 or 4 rabbiteyes, don't remember all of them but know I have tifblue and climax plants. Some plants make tons of medium fruit, some make huge sized fruit but less of it. Different varieties ripen at different times so one may be coming in while the other is going out.
In planting you need to space them out at least 6' apart as they get pretty big. You will be lucky to get a 50% survival rate on your plants but once established they produce for 20+ years. Lots of youtube videos on planting blueberries.
My plants are huge, I tried to cut them back and did more harm than good. I was picking 70 qts off 6 plants at their prime. Lately I get almost none, the birds and the squirrels get them all. Lets say, I don't eat many blueberries but my squirrel consumption has gone up a good bit. Almost every squirrel I shoot out of my blueberry bushes goes to the freezer, in season or out of season, I feed them, they feed me.
On my initial planting I dug a huge hole for each plant and layered peat moss and topsoil to fill the hole, my plants really took off planted this way. Blueberry roots are very delicate and need the peat moss mix soft soil to expand and thrive. Lately I have been sticking replacement plants in the ground and they just sit there for years and never take off with new growth, my soil is very poor and hard as a rock. I have moved a sprout with roots from one bush and planted it, it has formed a fine bush. I have had little luck rooting cuttings.
A proper blueberry bush hole;
My patch about 15 years ago;