if the bow was starting to take set,, the 26,, should shoot pretty fast,,26 is a good power stroke, I know the bow was pulled to 28,, but not that much,,
I would test it again at the 26 with tip reduction,, ( dont you like it how everybody tells you what they would do

) it wont hurt to see,, then if you not getting the speed, and think the limbs are not stressed enough to perform,, take it on out,,
sometimes taking the power stroke on out,, off sets it self with the set it gonna take,, but you never know unless you try,, Im preaching to the choir,, but I just thought since it was taking some set,, you might be as far as you need to go,, and the splinter was talking to you,, but Im superstitous

eithter way you gonna learn something for the next one,, I think its a success already, ,anything you do now is icing on the cake,,

that makes me really worred when Sleek is cautious,,