Author Topic: Yerba Mansa, a miracle plant  (Read 1434 times)

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Yerba Mansa, a miracle plant
« on: February 25, 2019, 07:15:23 am »
Anyone ever heard of Yerba Mansa?

I acquired a couple of cuttings of this plat frkm a guy in AZ.  I managed to keep one alive and healthy.  It's sends out runners like crazy so now I have several plants and give them away regularly.  They grow along rivers in the South West and Native Americans  used it alot.

Anyway, I've treated several infections with the plant.  The leaves make a decent  poultuce for minor  infections  but the root is the most potent.

The worst I've treated so far was a nasty injury from sending my thumb in to my metal cutting bandsaw.  Ripped a gash down to the bone and hurt like a son of a gun.  I knew I should probably go get stitches, but made up excuses not to.  Well, I got a pretty nasty infection of course.  I planned on going to the doctor in the morning but thought I might as well try the Yerba Mansa. 

I mshed up some of the root and added a few drops of grain alcohol.   Taped that over the wound.  I kid you not, the inflamed and oozing infection was gone when I woke up the next morning and nearly all the pain as well.  Wished I would've taken before and after pics because it's almost unbelievable.

Just thought I'd share jn case this info can help someone out. 

Trying is the first step to failure
-Homer Simpson-