Be sure to post some grid coordinates so a search party can get you out! Remember to leach your acorns! You should also learn how to boil your water! I am trying my best to be polite ! But I think you have a lot to learn!!
Fine advice, I'll keep that in mind. It's all good, you don't seem rude. As for leaching acorns, you mean through water drained and re-boiled, correct? That's usually how you get toxins out as far as I'm aware, but I'll have to practice that some.
You will not like what I'm going to write but you have to know it.
In the more optimistic case you are underestimating the risks, the knowledge and techniques needed.
You CANNOT rely solely on books to id mushrooms and edible plants. This is the quickest way to get poisoned and possibly die.
Survival, living in wilderness, in the woods.... whatever you want to call it requires years long practice.
Even more if you want to do it primitive way
What you see on youtube and in survival tv shows is 95% (at least)
All that "simple machines" are actually very difficult to make and difficult to use
You will NEVER have the time to master on the field all the required skills while struggling to find food, water, fire and building a shelter
Just for a quick reference have a look at "into the wild" movie
or read about the life of Ishi. He was a very experienced native that struggled and almost starved to death while left alone and without his tools
If your passion is genuine be humble and take the long way to learn what you will need to fulfill your dream in the future
I understand. I'm expecting to practice for a long time, I'll likely start part-time to get practice in with backup so that if I make a mistake I can come back and learn from my mistakes. As for books, I meant for fungi IF I ate any. Fungi are unreliable. As for plants, I've been foraging around here for a while, I do it as not really a hobby but for eats normally, oddly enough. Even if I have normal meals...
As for the "survival shows" and YouTube stuff, yeah, most of it is fake. I've gone a long ways to research elsewhere, /out/ on 4chan has been a good source for information to cross-index for years. Primitive Technology is probably the only channel on YouTube with legitimate advice, as you can see the man do the stuff himself, and has openly admitted that when not recording he does live normally and does not recommend going out without plenty of practice.
I don't think I'll ever master any of it, I want to learn, and the only way to learn is to practice... that's why I came for advice, and I appreciate it. I've heard of Ishi before, I think someone mentioned him a couple of years ago to me. Last of his tribe, correct? And as for "Into the Wild", what's it about (before I go looking it up)?
In any case, I appreciate everything you're telling me here. I'll go looking around for more information, and will set aside some time to practice these skills. The only things I've gotten the chance to do besides forage is cut the occasional tree. I might clear an area next to the bayou and make a hut for starters.