This is the bow that I mentioned in the "D/R tiller- the outer limbs". It's a branch that had about a foot of reflex, ideal for making an RD, I thought. It's 62"NTN and after cutting and splicing it had 3 " of reflex. It ended up with 1 3/4" reflex. It's 40#@28. It's not a screamer by any stretch shoots in the 167-169 range at 10GGP. That may be due to having so much sapwood on the bottom limb. You actually have to look at the belly to see any heartwood. It's a pretty thing though and I thought my splice was good enough to go naked. Tips are fumed Crabapple. A real nice grey. I have a Crabapple stave waiting in the winds. I think I'll fume the whole thing. The tiller could be a bit better but I haven't shot it much as my range is snowed in. Once I get a chance to shoot it some I'll rethink the tiller.