Has a thick outer growth ring.I cut it green,and get it down to floor tiller so I can put it on a four inch back set form.Line the tips to the riser ,and take twists out by heat treating ,and clamping to the form. I let it dry in my basement on it,s own. When dry I again heat treat it ,and take it of the form. Tiller like you would any white wood, and when your done heat treat it again. It will look a bit like a Gull wing design with little to no set.It is a softer wood that will ding easily, but makes a good bow when done properly, and built wide ,and long it is still light in the hand , because of it,s a low mass wood. I have made a lot of them, and never had a break, but did have some that took to much set until I learned about the wood.HEAT TREAT IS VERY IMPORTANT.