Thank you all for your replies. Getting the perfect tiller on these bows is definitely an art.
Thank you Jawge.

Thanks lbhf. I agree the outer thirds could be a little weak. I'm considering gluing some thin lams of mulberry on them and reworking then till I have them a bit straighter. I'm afraid that if I fail at tweaking them as is I'll ruin the bow.
Thanks Leon. It's a work in progress for sure.
BJ, thanks for chiming in. You've got a great natural sense of tillering so it's much appreciated. I think you'd be great at this design, you should give it a try sometime!
Paul, what you said makes a lot of sense to me. I feel like if the reflex straightens out but doesn't bend much beyond that, you're getting the most out of those sections.
Thanks Pat. I had a tendency to let the inners work too much when I first started making this design, so now I'm probably trying not to do that too much! It really goes to show that this style takes numerous trials to get it just right.