Hey fellas! Hope y'all are having a great weekend this journey has been too fun for me. Not just bow building but the mounted portion. See most everything we have been taught in traditional ground archery falls apart while mounted in the canter and trot. No anchor for example(i fought this forever) then gave in lol. Shooting imporved dramatically mounted. Fliudity, like a flowing river, never a waterfall(Lajos Kassai proveb). My riding need tons of improvement though:) There is literally no primitive bow representation in the modern day horseback archery world, and this saddens me. In fact, i aim to change this, but i gotta get better first

I should have know yall would have such an eye for detail, yes heeled shoes and heels down, helmet all good ideas. Can you believe insurance covers galloping with arrows but no running with them on foot, so when we train running on the ground gotta keep the arrows in quiver till we come to a stop, LOL.

Indeed that was not a harness to keep me on the horse but a leg quiver. The types of quivers we are used to as ground archers will also not accommodate mounted archery, so i use a leg mounted quiver specific to this purpose, and also a Mehai Cozmei design and built "sword style quiver", look him up on youtube if you want to see a master at work, one of the fastest drawing and shooting around, i was able to train with both him and Lajos Kassai this year. So much ahead of us and our group Montana Horse Archers. Its been very humbling learning how much i dont know.

But enough about all that, i found a couple takers to test my horsebow today as we work on our ground archery skills, they fell in love! Maybe i start trading bows for ride time...im liking the sound of that.