Thanks Dylan, it's been there several times already. I was making this one to give to someone but I'm liking it a lot. I can always make another one I like a lot though. I do like shooting it in confined area though.
Thanks Kyle. You make some really cool stuff to. I like your style and look forward to seeing you at Marshall again. I really like my presentation pole. It's very adaptable and I've got lots of ideas for hanging more stuff from it. You'll be seeing more of it.
Thanks Ben. I to like the simplicity, maneuverability and feather light feel of it. I need to tune some shorter arrows to her to really take advantage of it.
Thanks Bassman. You do to. Nice to see you here. Been enjoying your contributions.
Thanks hoosierf
Thanks Pearl. That's probably a pretty good description. Not to fancy, but not to shabby. Glad to see you here to.