The stress on the limb is going to be related to total limb movement. At 28 inches of draw the limbs are only moving a portion of that distance. I can't remember exactly how far they move. It also depends on brace height and if it has reflex/deflex. Anyway increasing reflex increases, significantly, the limb movement required to get similar draw lengths. So ask yourself, would you be comfortable adding that much extra to your draw if it was a straight bow. At your 6 inches of reflex it would be stressing it like if you drew it to 34" given your normal draw is 28". Actually it would be even more than 34" since there is more draw distance acheived for a given limb movement, but you get the point. A lot of people won't hesitate putting 3 inches of reflex on a bow, but if you instead asked them to build that same bow with no reflex out to a 31" draw they would be hesitant. More and more, I am leaning away from reflex. Like badger, I'm thinking it's better to start with no reflex and get no set, than to start with lots of reflex only to end up with just a little.