So, I've got some decent staves seasoning away, but nothing ready to work with right at the moment. So I decided that just for giggles to try some experiments with parts and pieces from my scrap pile. I figure since it was all already scrap theres nothing to lose if it doesn't work, but theres learning to be gained from trying. I'm currently working with 2 black cherry limbs from a bow that broke in the handle (didnt leave enough meat it the handle when I roughed out the stave) and a riser section from a bow that popped a limb during tiller (didnt have a good ring, and had a transverse knot across the one limb). I made a lap joint, glued with TB glue and dowel pinned. Then I wrapped it with 65lb test spyderbraid fishing line coated with more TB. I'm not sure if this is going to work, but I've never tried a splice before so it seemed worth a shot if just to learn.