Main Discussion Area > Bow of the Month Contest

Marius Fara's "Signature Bow" is March Self Bow of the Month

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Congratulations Marius!

--- Quote ---i truly appreciate the honor and i'm gratefull for your votes, but i will always cherish your friendship more than any titles.
--- End quote ---

Thought the above statement was worth reading again...says volumes for the type person you are! ;) Now come on across the pond to the Classic and lets celebrate Tn. style! ;D

thanks pappy but i'm not making another bow (none will be able to compete with this one)  YEAH RIGHT  ;D

greg as much as i would love to come to the classic, i can't afford to anymore.  thanks to hillbilly, i have all these royalties to pay  ;D  but if you promise not to tell anybody (except pappy), i'll sneak into the country one day, we'll party TN style (and maybe we even get to bloody the bow(s))

Congratulations Dusty thats a very fine bow you made. With a whole lot of "charcacter" or is that "Characters"  on it ;D. Wish I could have been there to be a part of it and to have met you when you came over. I've been emailing with Alberto over in Italy and someday want to come over on that side and meet up with some of the fine bowyers there. There are many that come to mind and not sure if and when I can but that would sure be awesome.  Keenan

you know, your gull wing was my favorite.  one day i would like to have bowyer skills like yours.  the character bows you make are out of this world.

same here keenan, i wish to have met you. there are so many nice people here on the message board, that i haven't met yet.  but i'll try my best to make it to the 12th classic and who knows, we just might meet then.

Dusty, I'm humbled by your compliment but I do believe you already have those skills yourself. Character bows always seem
to turn heads because of thier character. It is a great feet to make such a bows as yours a capture the heart of so many.You took the honors hands down with a lead double of any other bows.  ;)
  As Gordon stated on another thread about voting, It is a "peoples choice"  And your bow respectfully won that honor.
 Hopefully we get to have you over this way again. ;)


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