Hi, All,
Here’s a bow I finally finished up. Badger originally made it and gave it to me unfinished a while back (around 12 years ago, I think). He unexpectedly sent me five fine ELB bows in return for a couple of ERC staves I sent him, because that’s the kind of guy he is. One by one, I’ve finished them up and given them to worthy recipients. This one was my favorite, and I’ve held onto it all this time.
My soon-to-be son-in-law turns out to be a fan of medieval weapons, so I decided to finish this one up for him as an English war bow replica (or reasonable facsimile). I restraightened it, final sanded, added water buffalo horn nocks I made from from pet store horn, gave it a leather grip, a bit of Purple Heart for the arrow pass, b50 string and tru oil finish. It came out pretty nice (but I can only take credit for the final touches). I gave it to him for Christmas, with a dozen arrows. He liked it a bunch.
It’s 72” TTT, 70# @ 28”, 1” wide at the handle. (I’m only drawing it around 25” in the pic.)