I taper all of my laminations before gluing them up on a tri-lam. This ensures that you bow is going to be somewhat bending well when you take it off the form. I have found that with R/D profiles you will still have stiff spots mid limb off the form even with tapered lams. The more work you do in the building stage the less work you have to do after it is glued up.
I have shot some bows that were built by laminating multiple (4-6) 1/8" non-tapered lams together with epoxy and then tillered through the lams just like the growth rings of a selfbow. I have not tried this method yet, but the bows I shot were quite nice. It would make the process for building a multi-lam bow much less time consuming then having to taper each lam before glue up. Food for thought if nothing else....
Enjoy, SS