If primitive skills means home tanning and hand sewing I guess this is it.This is the skunk that refused to take a good hint from us to move on.
Tanned him in a plastic bucket with about 2 to 3 gallons of water/1/2 pound of aluminum sulfate and 1 pound of pickling salt.Moisturized a bit with neats foot oil also after tanning is done.Contact cement glued skunk hide to deer brain tan.Then sewed it up.
I've done many a deer hide years ago with this combo too.Then 1 pound of aluminum sulfate and 2 pounds of pickling salt in at least 10 gallons of water is needed.I did them in a plastic 30 gallon trash can then.It usually takes about a week then.To check penetration of chemical just slice a sliver of hide from the edge of the neck.It'll show ya.
I'll make a carrying strap for it and decide what beadwork if any to do on it.It's size is 7.5" by 9.5".

As with most things to be useful function before form.