Hi and thks Justin for the corection...i forgot to mantion that you have to wait for the coate to dry before you aply another coate of glue...whenn you put sinew, or horn its realy verry important to put a fiew coats of glue first...aniway thks. for all your help...i will definitly give it a try ...i will buy some bamboo next weeck and try my luck
.....i have found here in my country a firm that have bamboo for sale....they have bamboo in 3"-4" and 5" diameter....its bamboo from China...they dont know exactly whatt species...aniway its the only firm that have bamboo in the hall country where i live so....this is it...i will give it a try...maybe a deflex-relfex, or even an asiatic all bamboo bow...
...thks again...good luck