maybe you also have an idea on how best to deal with my primary problem? the top needle of that moelle leans a bit to the right. you can see it also unbraced. actually it's not an issue - string alignement is fine, only a bit diagonal. If that needle remained in the straight position, string alignement would even be better.
As I will have to thin theese slightly reflexed needles substantially i will have to avoid that needle to go further to the right....keep this relexed needle under control.
What to do?
Remove more wood from one side and make it bend the other way? Which side do i remove more wood?
Steam/dry heat again and correct it?It was probably my bending fault - was not accurate. I don't like this idea because the reflex maybe goes back when heating again...?
Any ideas warmly welcome!!!
Thanx and a nice wekkend to everybody!