Thanks for the great info pat!
Now I just need to find a source for the rawhide, I may go the cheap/time consuming dog bone route.
Got around to measuring the logs last night, they range from 62" up to about 68"... The mountain maple is 68", the juniper pieces are 62 and like 64".
Also, had to finish butchering my portion of an elk from a hunt last week, I managed to get a backstrap sinew and then I spent a considerable amount of time removing all other sinew sources on the leg quarter as I went along. I have about a 1 quart bag full in the freezer of tissue to work into usable sinew. Might have a enough for a bow after it is all processed along with the stuff Pat sent for the arrow trade, well see

This is off topic, but worth mentioning. When you butcher out the lower leg muscles, they have ALOT of sinew material if you are willing to work for it. Also, if done carefully, they can produce nice little tender meat pieces that are freed from the sinew. Normally they just get ground up into burger, but if removed from the tendon material, they would make great finger steaks.