Very, very cool, Weylin. Pass it on. Nice work space for you guys.
Nice to see your transition was successful. 
Thanks, Pat. we're getting settled in pretty well. Hopefully I can make it out your way in not too long.
That is very impressive Weylin, 4 new builders with 4 finished bows in one weekend!
Thanks, Stephen. I should have been more clear. It was a four day class.

Thanks for sharing with us. Thanks for sharing with them. I've had several people contact me hoping I'd do a class. I'm planning on giving it a try. I can only hope it goes as good as yours. I could probably use a few tips. Nice job Weylin.
Thanks! You should do it. It was a lot of fun. I've been planning and accumulating tools for a while now. I picked Carson's brain a lot since he's been doing these for a while. I'm happy to share ideas with you. just let me know.
Awesome, they even got Strunk handles! Looks like they had a great time, well done!
Yeah, I wasn't planning on the Strunk wraps but they had time and asked very nicely. The only thing more stressful than making a Strunk wrap is helping four people do it at the same time!