Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Balance points on shafts

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Points to ponder about over built and light tipped bows for sure.I can see the train of thought and it seems I've read that somewhere to be reminded of it,that could very well be right as it makes sense.With arrows  being the same weight overall it still is confusing.The only way to find out is to try...shooting during same conditions at the same time of day with different arrows.
I would think fletching that fluttered any while flying would create more drag.
It's funny after all of this shooting a winning formula is'nt arrived at.Must be that conditions are so variable as well as a good release made is too.Although even though if I get consistent identical speed numbers through the chrono and shooting same arrow it flys like a dart at 20 yards that really does'nt measure how the arrow flys for distance.

Maybe that difference is why there should be a "hunting" class for broad heads. In other words we shoot our hunting arrows for distance (and hopefully don't lose any on the salt flats! (SH) >:D)

Hawk, I have pushed for more of a hunters class for broadheads in our flight shooting but it has gone the opposite way. I would like to see all weight classes use 10 grains per pound and full size fletches. I look at the broadhead event as more of a bow test for hunting bows instead of a true flight shooting event.

All true Ed. I still have a cow pasture 5 min from my house. Construction going up all around it. Won't be there much longer, but I have a place to shoot. I use the chrono in my backyard.  If I get good numbers i head over to the flight pasture. Get there about once a month. A fast arrow through a chrono 4 feet from the bow still needs the stability to carry it the distance.
Steve, I always thought 10gpp was the standard also.

In saying the arrow flying like a dart I mean bare shaft too yet so hardly any fletching correction is needed.Although I've never bare shaft shot an arrow for distance.Could be something funny happens up there along the flight without fletching.With javelines it does'nt seem too at the" thicker walled bamboo will be my choice.
I've got a place to shoot within walking distance of my house Chuck.Thank God.How are things going testing?I remember your comments on the bows you shot at the salt flats.
My shooting has to be done with the row crop out of the field as a stubble field though.Otherwise the neighbors pasture would have to do a mile down the road.I finally bought a true 100 yard tape's good of you to petition for that type of shoot.I seem to remember you saying that too earlier.
I will still probably just use a range finder to get an approximate distance.I think I can safely get within a yard or two of the correct distance if I use a shed or the truck as a referral to shoot back to with range finder.Or if need be mark a shooting alleyway to marked by two tall posts 10 yards apart @ 200 yards and measure with tape and mark with stakes the distance of shots if need be and go from ther to be more exact.


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