It pains me to do this, but I have to ask: I'd like to trade for a bow.
I've lurked here for years, but I dont post because, well, I'm just not a chatty person. Plus I dont really have much to contribute. I do like to see what you're building and learn though, so I read and keep quiet.
I've done almost all of my hunting with my flintlock (70's CVA kit) or my early 70's bear grizzly recurve. After I found primitive archer a few years ago I made several selfbows, harvested a few deer here in SE PA with them before they broke. I've accepted that I'm just not good at it... but you guys are, so rather than buy one I'd prefer to trade for a handcrafted bow.
I will make a couple more (well, try anyway) for use at home, but I'm planning an elk hunt in Montana with my sons, so I want/need reliable.
It will be 2 or 3 or 4 years until we draw, so that give me plenty of time to harvest a few deer with it and be completely comfortable before I take it on a trip.
If I'm asking too much, please just let me know.
FYI I'll ship first.
The ideal bow for me - although I am open to almost anything:
- Longbow.
- Reliable & durable to last me until I cant draw anymore (hopefully 15-20 more years!)
- I'm 6', 215 lbs, right handed, 29" draw length but I sometimes overdraw to 30 when I get excited.
- After 45 years of shooting a recurve, I think I need to stick to a shelf (at least a small one) and a little more center shot.
- My recurve is 50 lbs @ 28", I' like to stay around 50-55#
- Of course, smooth with no stacking and no hand shock

- A little bit of reflex/deflex would be nice for the speed gain (elk with 50-55#, I want all the extra performance I can get.)
- Not particular on length, but I do shoot from one knee often so 64 to 68 is probably best?
- I've always been a fan of heavy arrows, I generally shoot 450-500 grains. (Not sure if that matters to the bow design).
- Design & styling: I tend to like simple. Natural wood, maybe a little stain, beeswax, leather, etc. Glare drives me nuts.
- All of my preferences are wide open to offers and suggestions.