Yeah I certainly wasn't picturing wood for this thought experiment. Even with the full limb working evenly, you'd need an impressive material to take as much bend as bow C without breaking down quickly. But not an unrealistic one. As you know, materials that bendy exist. I was imagining a modern material, since we are discussing why modern bows are so uniform. If I were to try to make this a real life experiment with wood, the reflex would be way way toned down.
Given the set up (that all bows are 50lbs) we can immediately know that when unbraced, bow A is much stiffer than bow C. Bow C has lighter and more flexible limbs. But once they're all braced, bow C is stiffest. By which I mean, it's the hardest to get to bend farther.
I'm not understanding where a lack of stability would come in. There are no recurves to be pulled out of line. (I liked the way the paper linked by willie talked about this) With a recurve, because the tips point away from you, the string tension will have an amplifying effect on any sideways deviation. This pulls things out of line and encourages twist. But with a long bow profile like we're talking about, the string has a correcting effect. If any part of the bow gets a funny idea and wants to step out of line, the string will pull it right back in. And it will correct extra hard on bow C, due to the high string tension.
One type of stability that I could imagine being different is.. it may be more sensitive to where you hold the bow. Put your hand lower and the lower limb will bend more, higher and the higher limb will bend more. I could see bow A being less sensitive to inconsistency there.
I think we probably just need a real life experiment.