Hi all! It has been a year of improvement with my skills. Super excited about all I have learned in ‘18, and the amount of shavings I have been able to make. Lots of good times with my PA pals(DC, Goat, Pender) helping to get my head around all this stuff!
Here is my latest. 65lb@28”, 72”ntn. Made from a beautiful piece of yew I collected with DC last year on Zippermouth mountain. I had to flip the ends for string alignment, so the too limb doesn’t bend as much as the bottom now, but the release is better, so I will take the trade-off. The bow is a good shooter, with minimal hand shock and set, so I am happy! The tips are purple heart, the wrap is some leather strap I was given by Pender. I reverse wrapped some electrical tape to stick it then contact cement to glue the trim peice on the back side. The arrow rest is a small piece of the same leather and I also added a strip on 1/4” cork to the belly side of the handle. Two coats of shellac and four coats of tung oil really brought out the beauty in this wood! Thanks for having a look!