Author Topic: what about storing wet sinew in the freezer?  (Read 3430 times)

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Offline bradsmith2010

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what about storing wet sinew in the freezer?
« on: October 10, 2018, 01:42:47 pm »
I want to try pulling apart a tendon after soaking it,, have not tried it,, what about storing the wet strands in the freezer until ready to use them,,,,?

Offline stuckinthemud

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Re: what about storing wet sinew in the freezer?
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2018, 02:11:11 pm »
Umm, obvious question is why would you want to? My better half gets a little miffed if I put any hobby related materials any where near the don't need to soak it for very long, like an hour or so, and I might be worried about the possible damage ice crystals might do, though to be honest I wouldn't think there would be a problem. Probably take a lot longer to thaw out than to soak it tho

Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: what about storing wet sinew in the freezer?
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2018, 02:20:08 pm »
well that makes since,, I thought it might takes less time to thaw it out, ,than re hydrate,,,,that was my thinking,,

Offline Pat B

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Re: what about storing wet sinew in the freezer?
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2018, 02:44:59 pm »
I've never done it but I doubt it would hurt the sinew however it doesn't take long to dry sinew and again rehydrate it.
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Offline upstatenybowyer

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Re: what about storing wet sinew in the freezer?
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2018, 04:28:15 pm »
I agree with Pat, but mostly I'm writing to say Hi Brad!  :) Haven't seen you on here in a while.
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Offline BowEd

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Re: what about storing wet sinew in the freezer?
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2018, 05:18:31 pm »
Good to see you back in the loop again Brad.I think I get your drift here.I've wet stripped/dried/then rehydrated sinew before.Froze it before too.Either way does'nt  compromise the sinew in any way,but have always started out sinewing a bow with dried sinew yet.
I'd try the thawed out wet striped way once.It should work fine.I don't believe the sinew should be soaking wet before dipping in the hide glue though.Just think what absorbs more water a water soaked sponge or a dry sponge.That theory goes for brain tanning also.I would'nt let the sinew get freezer burned either.I've never used sinew that was myself.Chances are it still might be good though.Just rehydrate it.Too much heat is the only thing I've seen compromise sinew.It shrivels up as you know.
What does happen when you dry wet stripped sinew though to which I think your referring to is that it dries into a hard cord type material.Much like rawhide does or is like back strap dried sinew.Not like dry stripped tendon sinew being more fluffy or absorbent of hide glue unless soaked for quite some time.More time by far then soaking dry stripped sinew.
Regardless the dry stripped sinew gets soaked in water by me before getting dipped into the hide glue anyway,but is left underneath wet paper towels in pre bundled bundles just damp not soaking wet at all really to save time to make sure I meld the bundles into each other before gelling but still is more snotty fluid and softer yet then the dried wet stripped sinew is.Which leads to a very nice smooth well infiltrated matrix of sinew and glue that will almost make the sinew strands disappear when dried.The wet stripped sinew should be wrapped according to Pat M's method lathered with hide glue prior then to let gel before wrapping to infiltrate the hide glue good and proper into the sinew.
There's been occurances of some who heat the wrapping too hot or too long and starve the sinew job of hide glue.
I guess the ultimate would be in saving sinew from sanding and a superb job to me is to use dry stripped sinew then wrap to smooth and shape.Still I just sinewed a bow using the wet  stripped and dried sinew method and wrapping and it looks looks pretty good not starved of hide glue to look like a good matrix sinew job.My ratio of mass weight of use of glue to sinew was good.Many bows have been sinewed using back strap type sinew with very good success as you know.
Sounds abit like a meandering type double talk reply here to a stirring of the pot type subject but to put it in short I think your concerned about the texture of the sinew prior to hide glue dipping to absorb the hide glue properly?
« Last Edit: October 10, 2018, 11:09:15 pm by BowEd »
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Offline Ryan Jacob

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Re: what about storing wet sinew in the freezer?
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2018, 08:24:34 am »
I think it would depend more on where you live. If I keot my sinew stash in the freezer, one day it’ll end up in the cooking pot ;D

Offline osage outlaw

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Re: what about storing wet sinew in the freezer?
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2018, 11:12:59 am »
Umm, obvious question is why would you want to? My better half gets a little miffed if I put any hobby related materials any where near the don't need to soak it for very long, like an hour or so, and I might be worried about the possible damage ice crystals might do, though to be honest I wouldn't think there would be a problem. Probably take a lot longer to thaw out than to soak it tho

My wife found a skinned beaver head in our freezer once.  I thought I had it hidden pretty good.  It was at that moment that we decided a small freezer in the garage for my stuff would be a good idea. 

I don't see why it would hurt anything keeping sinew in the freezer.  I've had a pan of hide glue in mine for several years.  You could probably put the sinew in a pan of hide glue and freeze it that way.  It would be ready to apply as soon as the glue was warmed to the proper temperature. 
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Re: what about storing wet sinew in the freezer?
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2018, 11:22:28 am »
only time I would put in freezer is if I haven't gotten all the meat off and I have a bunch to the deer cooler saved me a pile ..which they have.... otherwise just let air dry...gut

Offline xin

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Re: what about storing wet sinew in the freezer?
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2018, 12:59:04 pm »
It would seem to me that soaked sinew would form ice crystals within the fibers causing damage to the structural integrity.   I think I would dry out the fibers before freezing.

Offline Mesophilic

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Re: what about storing wet sinew in the freezer?
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2018, 04:39:32 pm »
I guess the question I'd have coming from a culinary sinew made up of cells or just fibers?  Cells rupturing from ice crystal fromstion is why things get mushy when you freeze them.  In the case of starches, like mashed potatoes or leftover gravy, they are little balloons similar to cells and the ice crystals rupture them, too. 

If they're fibers then it shouldn't be any different than freezing wet string or theory, right?  I have a trip to make so I'm  running out of timr and I just put some fresh elk sinew in the freezer yesterday, when I get to using it I'll post back and let you know.if it feels or looks any different than when it went in.
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Offline osage outlaw

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Re: what about storing wet sinew in the freezer?
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2018, 08:04:14 pm »
I've frozen bags of back sinew when I didn't have time to clean it.   I saw no change in it. 
I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left

Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: what about storing wet sinew in the freezer?
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2018, 05:21:35 pm »
thanks guys,,  (SH)