I use a camera designed for wildlife photography, but most of the time you can use your phone. Phone cameras now a days are unreal. I then transfer all the pictures to my phone, it takes awhile since they’re HD, and on my phone I have a few editing tools. The ones I use to most are ; Aviary, Enlight, Photofox (which is an extension of enlight and has a noise reduction feature that I love), Pixomatic, and of course Adobe photoshop express.
Each one has the same tools but some work differently for each photo. And they also have tools that the others don’t that I take advantage of.
Weather it’s adjusting tint, contrast, or reversing the effects the sunlight has on the true color of the bow wood.
It’s a learning curve. But sometimes every little edit counts and sometimes the picture is beautiful being left alone and just needs the lume brought down -2 degs. And then it’s perfect.
Even with a basic editing tools you can adjust a few things and bring out some color. I played with this blacktail and pulled out as much color as I could without distorting the picture. Now it could definitely be tuned down a bit for better quality, but this just shows you don’t need anything too fancy to have good pictures.