The piece of leather i had left was too small to cut the quiver out in one piece (which would automatically give you a belt loop as you might remember from the stitchless sheath), but the quiver can be made out of two pieces as well as you will see in a second. Actually if you intend to use two different colors, you don’t have a choice but to use two pieces of leather.
Let's talk terminology: on the second picture you'll see two pieces of leather, the top one I will call groundplate, the lower part I will call insert, the sections of the insert I'll call insertfingers.
Let's talk measurements (this is gonna be tough, cause it'll be metric, but I'm sure you guys can do the conversions) length of the quiver should be at least a third of your arrowlength, unless you're using stiff leather, since the quiver has a tendency to become top-heavy, meaning to say the fletched part of the arrow is too heavy and hangs down. The width of the individual insert fingers should 2.5-3.times your arrow diameter if you carry 2 arrows per insertfinger, or correspondingly wider for more arrows. The rest I determine while I’m drawing, it’s more or less a matter of taste.
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