I appreciate your comment but as stated earlier I always have a positive tiller on the bows I make no matter what length.
Ok, i didn't find it from the last post.
The arrow pass is always around the same distance above center of handle even on a short turkish horn bow I've made also but is not a referral to my original question.
It was the only similar case i could compare. In my opinion short hornbows are more tricky of the center spot - since the middle part is "shorter".
You asked whether you put 1" reflexed limb top or bottom? I say: preferably bottom, but to do this, it needs to bend less than the top limb.
More in general, if other limb is more reflexed than the other, i wont bend the reflexed limb as much as the less reflexed counter part. I believe in equal stress, no matter what the tiller looks like.
So just going for positive tiller in tiller shape can make unbalanced bow, in my opinion.
English is not my mother language, so im sorry if my text is not the easiest to follow.
Also, forgot to say this in the beginning, but its a really beautiful bow you have there. Plenty of reflex.