Information and Resources > Message Board Q & A

Security Questions

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Pat B:
Hope you've gotten past the security barrier.

Thanks. Just joined and am already about to bail because it takes 10 min to post or find out info. The verification box has to be tried at least 15 times before it's legible enough to get right. Did you guys really get spammed that much? This site has higher security than any other forum I've ever been on (I'm on one for moped repair and Ukelele).
This sounded like a really interesting site. I just got really interested in archery and actually found this looking for something about cookie tin banjos.

Pat B:
Sorry for your inconvenience, captain-janeway but yes we got hammered a few years ago and the Admins and Mods spent many hours keeping this site safe...and it's all volunteer work.
 You have come to the right place if you are interested in learning about making bows and other archery stuff.

Hang in there Captain, we all had to gov through it!  Part of the rites of passage >:D!  If a SGT MAJOR, surely you can >:D. Mac King bows is, of course, a higher level! :BB (SH)


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