Main Discussion Area > Bow of the Month Contest


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Nice knowing ya David, better to live a short full life than never to have lived at all eh ::) ;) :)

david w.:
i guess all the girls by me are shallow  >:D;D lol

El Destructo:
Boy .....will you ever learn............. ::)

Andrea S:
Right, I spend every tuesday night (bow night!) tearing my hands to bits separating buffalo sinew, hefting a giant farrier's rasp, working the cabinet scraper, and getting heckled by all the guys who are building bows alongside me, all for the love of the craft and the goal of a well-made bow, and you call me shallow!?! Bah! Bah, I say!

"Purdiest" was an oversimplification of the concept that I enjoy seeing unique things, that have not only fine craftsmanship but a good dose of imagination put into them. No offense intended to anyone, and I still think they are gorgeous bows with plenty of time and energy put into them, but since being on this site, I've seen a gazillion and a half rattlesnake-backed osage recurves. The bows that differ from that tend to catch my eye because they are not only beautiful but striking in how they stand out from the norm. I am not shallow; I merely appreciate divergent thought and the audacious application of imagination into one's craft.

So, nyah!  :P :P :P ;D

well said Andrea :)


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