Author Topic: Long Range Shot With a Selfbow  (Read 10301 times)

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Offline High-Desert

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Re: Long Range Shot With a Selfbow
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2018, 11:57:11 am »
When I'm not in front of an elk, I feel comfortable to 30, as soon as the elk show up, 30 yards looks like 100, and won't take a shot past 15, which is apparently still too far since I missed one at 15 last year..... Same day, I shot a rabbit at 20.

Offline sleek

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Re: Long Range Shot With a Selfbow
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2018, 12:32:46 pm »
When I'm not in front of an elk, I feel comfortable to 30, as soon as the elk show up, 30 yards looks like 100, and won't take a shot past 15, which is apparently still too far since I missed one at 15 last year..... Same day, I shot a rabbit at 20.

It humorous to read, but only because i think we can all relate. Lol, aim small miss small. Guess its true. It seems we could miss the moose and nail the rabbit.
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: Long Range Shot With a Selfbow
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2018, 03:30:40 pm »
Yup. I waited for the perfect shoot last year. Practiced deligently. Was very disaplened  and consintrated on my spot, stayed calm, drew to my anchor perfect release and watched my arrow completely miss my buck right over his back at 7 yards quartering away. I still need to work more on that shooting from a tree. I practiced it but still not that comfortable second nature don't even have to think of it shoot for me. I need to bend at my waist an square my upper body to my target or I shoot high every time. Just forgot that part.
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Offline Traxx

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Re: Long Range Shot With a Selfbow
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2018, 09:45:48 pm »
Your in Good company High-Desert,,,,,
Best shot i ever made on purpose,was a heart shot,on a cottontail at 45 yards..20 minutes later,i missed one darn near at my feet..

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Long Range Shot With a Selfbow
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2018, 11:54:24 am »
When I'm not in front of an elk, I feel comfortable to 30, as soon as the elk show up, 30 yards looks like 100, and won't take a shot past 15, which is apparently still too far since I missed one at 15 last year..... Same day, I shot a rabbit at 20.

Yeah, spend any time at all at this and you will have a similar story. Not me, of course, but most people.   >:D

A buddy of mine that could harvest walnuts from a 100' tall tree without messing up the nut had a 15 yard shot at a huge mule deer. Deer was broadside and not even on alert, focused on some does in heat.  Ol' Barry pulls back a 55lb Pacific yew English longbow and sails that 650 grain arrow at 175 fps a good 6 ft high OVER THE DEER'S ANTLERS!  As that arrow sailed for 100 yards it looked like a dog wagging it's tail, not porpoising up and down. Perfect arrow flight. That buck even commented on how true that arrow flew as he calmly walked away!  Poor Barry, threw the bow to the ground, snapped another arrow in half and proceeded to tear a 12 inch wide 8 foot long strip of bark off a pine tree with just the foul language spewing from his mouth.  He began walking in circles cussing until he had killed a good half dozen trees with his language.  About this time a fork horn yearling buck walks out, all 80 lbs of him.  Barry snatches his bow off the ground, nocks an arrow and snap releases a shot through the heart at 20 yards! 

Small targets are always easier! 
Guns have triggers. Bicycles have wheels. Trees and bows have wooden limbs.

Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: Long Range Shot With a Selfbow
« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2018, 12:17:07 am »
Keep shooting for the"grapefruit", and hope the game is wearing one on it's chest? (SH) >:D  :-D :G Lol!
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Offline BowEd

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Re: Long Range Shot With a Selfbow
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2018, 09:40:29 am »
I know a fella who in large black letters on the belly of the top limb fade has the words FOCUS!!! to see while shooting.Not a bad idea either.
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Offline ntvbowyer1969

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Re: Long Range Shot With a Selfbow
« Reply #22 on: June 07, 2018, 09:59:34 pm »
I try to never shoot past 15yrds. I prefer 15yrds and under when shooting at live game. at this distance i know i can hit a softball size circle.I am confidant at that range and i feel to be confidant in your weapon is the most important part in being successful taking game. the more you become successful the more confidence. The more you try to push the limits of your effective/accurate range and you wound or miss game the confidence level drops. This snowballs on the archer/hunter and then makes him/her question their abilities,question their equipment,question after question will ensue and this is what causes many a primitive/traditional archer to loose interest in our great sport. So i feel a individuals accurate/effective range should all they need to worry about.. Long shots are for the range and fun. they have no place in shooting at game that we respect so much.

Offline Wvfarrier

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Re: Long Range Shot With a Selfbow
« Reply #23 on: September 03, 2018, 01:05:31 pm »
With a laminated bow I can go 25-30 but with my self bows i stay under 20.   
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