The boot jokes are crackin' me up.

Yes I believe I bought them @ GI Joe's for like $25, and I probably got ripped off.
I hate to tell everyone this, but it really did have a hinge and like I stated, once i inspected the limb more closely it was obvious. And yes I know I'm being more critical because every time I string up my 70# John Strunk bow and shoot it, it has zero handshock and is perfectly tillered. I'm just infatuated with never settling for less.
Having said all of that, remember that I said it HAD a hinge?...

I regret to inform the people of Primitive that I absolutely torched this bow when I chased that low spot out of the bow.
Maybe this is a clear sign that I'm seriously OCD, or just an impatient fool? I don't know. time I think I have a hinge I promise to post pictures before I go insane and go on a snipe hunt. Especially when I have 25+ hours into it.