Ok! Lets define the rules:
1) One peice bow. No take downs! (We want to push our limits!)
2) Bow must be less than 40" long and/or conceilable in your pack and not interfeer with your hiking.
3) No sinew! (Yep! You got it. Its a challenge!) Reason is that sinew will react to moisture and when you hike in incliment weather or cross a stream its going to get wet no matter what ya do.
4) Any material any backing goes. As long as its not sinew!
5) Bow must be strong enough to take a deer with.
6) Draw length as long as you can get away with. (Sound good to all of you?)
7) Must show a picture of bow after its built and show it strung, unstrung and concealed. Bonus - Go get a deer with it durring hunting season or any other game!

Bonus #2 !!! See if you can make one that can be strung all day and still be hidden in your pack or carry container!
How do those sound?
Justin, sorry it's backed with sinew but I do like it! Looks like a blast to shoot and fun to make!
Yankee, I made 3 and only one came through but the one that did is sweet.