Guys, thank you!
Very helpful comments. In fact, I'm working on another kid's bow and I need to get the fades bending. I do have trouble taking it slow though and have weakened a bunch of limbs. I just cut up one that exploded last winter. It was looking good on the tree right up until bam.
Thanks for the encouragement on the hunting part. I was looking through the bone points sticky and that looks like fun. I have knapped glass into arrowheads before and I may try that again.
I have a compound bow that a friend gave me. My arrows stick into my arrow target just as far as those do and they were doing 210 fps so that made me feel a little better too.
I think I'm going to leave this bow as is and enjoy it. I'll know in the back of my head that it may not last forever.
I do have plans for a new one, but not sure when I'll start it.
Thanks for the welcome, feedback, and encouragement!