Thanks again I really didn't expect such positive feedback, I really appreciate that. It tells me I'm on the right way
I didn't cut through the back, it's an additional growthring, you cannot see well because the tip of the rawhide overlays it. Take a look again at the sideview of the nock. And, yes, Dacron doesn't make me happy to. I have some linen which makes good strings but I use it economical, I'm not sure if I ll get it again - normally it's used for bookbinding (Buchbindergarn). Any suggestions for stringmaterial which isn't that expensive as FF?
yep you are right I live in the alps. I live in Maishofen, close to Zell am See, Salzburg, Austria. So I can probably throw a bottle of Stiegl Beer in your garden
, just kidding!