I should have phrased my question better. While I am interested on creating a general formula to give me a starting point, I'm not attempting to create the end all be all formula. I just want something that's a little more helpful than 2 to 2.5 times the draw length. But that a side, my main question was on how much certain features, like recurve, actually add or subtract from the working limb, and less on creating a perfect formula. You guys are right, there is no perfect formula and there won't ever really be one (at least that's any use for me, it just gets too complex). I knew that adjusting variables like material and width can effect what length you need. However, what I hadn't thought about before was how the part of a limb closer to the fades have a greater impact on the draw length than the part of the limb further away from the fades, even if they are stressed the same. thanks for that insight badger.
What I'm still wondering is if you or anyone else thinks small recurves that don't extend past the normal 6" stiff tip (that are tillered the same as a straight limbed bow of equal material) would have less working limb, or be anymore stressed, than the straight limbed bow?