Thank you, everyone! Glad you like the bow. I'm getting settled in my new shop and it's working pretty well. I'm getting a lot done on my bows so expect to see a lot more from me coming up soon. I took a new full draw picture with a straight arrow and an attempt at a smile.
Very nice bow Weylin, but you look so angry in that full draw... 
That's me concentrating on drawing right handed and grimacing at drawing fastflight barefingered for the 10th time trying to get a good picture
I love simple bows like this. Very pleasing to the eye. Did you have any reflex in the stave to start ? I'm working on an Osage bow very similar to the vine maple willow leaf limb design that you have on youtube. It will be narrower though.
Thanks, Greg. It was basically flat when I started it took a hair of set. Glad that video was helpful to you. Yeah, you should need to go so wide on the osage. Check out Simson's bows. He's the one I got the willowleaf design from
It’s not anger just a little east coast attitude adjustment setting in! 
56” Osage sliver makes tons of functional sense to me and great to carry. Cool bow!
Hope things are beginning to settle in for y’all.
haha, that's right. I think it would make a good deer and turkey bow for sure. Thanks for the well wishes, so far so good
classy elegance, you did great work buddy.
I'm always surprised how little wood is needed for serious weapons, would like to know the mass
... what's that huge tree behind you?
Thank you Simon. it is 444 grams, I'm not sure how that compares. The huge tree is a tulip poplar. There are several in my backyard now. They are pretty cool trees.
Beautiful bow! Do you think you could have gone for 28" draw with this length?
Thank you. I'm sure it could but it would probably just take a little more set. Since it's being sold I'd rather they stayed on the safe end and not push the limits too hard. I'm sure if it was overdrawn a bit it would be fine.