Thanks now time for some arrows

Need to pickup a board to give a board bow a try (will go much slower on this one and go for 45lbs at 26" and whatever it gets at 28" so my son can deer hunt with it and I can still shoot it and will still work for him as he grows)... I am thinking hickory as it should be very durable. We will see.
Arrows are next so can shoot the bow in.. also want to let is dry some and get it down to 8% if I can, then finish sand.. and oil finish. I think I will but a small re-curve in the limb.. enough to account for some the sting follow.. and also make it a little more zippy.. I will chrony it when its all perfectly dry sanded and finished.
Can't believe I waited so many years to try making a bow.. Its a blast.. will keep working at things hopefully get better at tillering.. and make a better bow each one I make. WE will see how many bows it takes till making something respectable.
This one was only a Saturday and Sunday so maybe 2 days to get to this stage